Are you salt or sugar?

Recently I did one of those “name tests” on social media where it tells you what your life motto could be based on your name.

Mine was – “I’ve learned to be careful who to trust: salt and sugar look alike.”

Don’t get me wrong, there is a good form of salty sometimes, especially if you’re on a beach, drinking tequila or eating chips and queso at a Mexican restaurant, but too much salt can cause so many health problems.

Have you struggled with trust your entire life? Partners, friends, family members, coworkers. Unfortunately, it requires you to have a little taste before you figure out the difference.

Word to the wise: don’t put the entire spoonful in your coffee right away.

Let’s have a little fun. Can you tell from the photos below what’s salt and what’s sugar?
Answers at the very bottom. No cheating!

I used to freely trust people, but now I know trust is something built over time. I know that people must learn that I’m trustworthy, too, and it’s not just about showing people that you care.

For me, I need:

Make a commitment to communicate with your partner, even when it’s hard. This also means you’re going to have to get vulnerable at times. This builds trust AND intimacy.

Do what you said you were going to do.

Own your mistakes.
This is just as important as communication. If you make a mistake, OWN IT! We’re human. We all make mistakes. Those who say they are perfect, are liars.

I’ve been in relationships where it was easier for a partner to lie than to deal with the consequences of the truth. Nine times out of 10, I already knew the truth, but wanted to give them an opportunity to be honest with me. Same for parenting a child, right? Be honest. It will make you feel better about yourself.

Too much sugar can be bad, too, so you’re just going to have to find a good balance that works for you, friends.

Ask yourself this question right now – am I being salty or sweet?

Until next time,

Top left: sugar; top center: sugar ; top right: salt; bottom left: sugar; bottom right: salt.