Do the work, Sis!

Are you hanging out with the RIGHT people?

Depending on where you’re at on your journey, that might be a difficult question to answer.

If you’re not sure, here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  1. Do they encourage you?
  2. Do they help you take the RIGHT steps in the RIGHT direction?
  3. Are they encouraging you on your faith journey, whatever that might look like?
  4. Do they pray for you?
  5. Are they kind to you and to others?
  6. Do you feel better about yourself after spending time with them?

If you answered “no” or “maybe” to any of those questions, I hate to break it to you, but you may not be hanging out with the right people.

Do you want to grow?

Do you want to change?

Sometimes making progress means saying goodbye to dark relationships to make room for brighter ones.

You got this!

Love. Live. Give.